May 13, 2024 asmaa seo

what is the 6 Different types of ads on youtube?

Different types of ads on youtube

When delving into the realm of digital advertising, understanding the diverse landscape of ad formats is crucial for maximizing campaign effectiveness. In the realm of YouTube advertising, exploring the different types of ads available can unlock a world of opportunities for reaching and engaging with audiences. From display ads to TrueView video ads, each ad type offers unique advantages and considerations. Let’s delve into the realm of “different types of ads on YouTube” to uncover the strategies and nuances that can elevate your advertising efforts on this dynamic platform.

What makes YouTube the perfect place to display ads?

YouTube stands out as an exceptional platform for displaying ads due to its extensive user base, diverse ad formats, targeted advertising options, measurable results, cost-effectiveness, and placement targeting capabilities. With a global audience exceeding 2.1 billion users, advertisers can reach a vast and diverse demographic. YouTube offers a range of ad formats such as display ads, overlay ads, TrueView ads, non-skippable video ads, bumper ads, and sponsored cards, catering to different campaign objectives. Advertisers can precisely target their ads based on keywords, topics, interests, and demographics, ensuring their message resonates with the right audience. The platform provides detailed analytics and performance metrics, enabling advertisers to measure the impact of their campaigns effectively. Moreover, YouTube’s flexible pricing models make it accessible to advertisers with varying budgets, while placement targeting allows for strategic ad placements to optimize campaign performance.

different types of ads on youtube

1-Display Ads

What are display ads?

Display ads are visual banners that appear on various parts of the YouTube platform, including the homepage, search results, and watch pages.

Where do display ads appear?

Display ads can be found on different sections of YouTube, such as the homepage, search results, and watch pages.

Advantages of display ads

  • They offer broad reach and visibility to a diverse audience.
  • These ads can be visually engaging, capturing viewers’ attention effectively.


Disadvantages of display ads

  • Users may develop ad blindness over time, potentially reducing their effectiveness.
  • Limited space for detailed messaging compared to video ads can be a drawback.

2-Overlay Ads

What are overlay ads?

Overlay ads are compact advertisements that can use visuals, text, or both, appearing as a small banner-like ad at the bottom of a video without obstructing the user’s view. They can contain images or text and provide users with the option to interact with them or turn them off at will.

Where do overlay ads appear?

Overlay ads appear on laptop and desktop screens, specifically on the lower half of videos on YouTube. They are designed to be non-intrusive and complement the viewing experience without disrupting it.

 Advantages of overlay ads

  • They offer targeting opportunities through techniques like contextual and behavioral targeting, ensuring relevant ads reach users and maximizing conversion rates.
  • Overlay ads provide a better user experience by not disrupting the viewing experience and allowing users to interact with them or dismiss them easily.
  • They can be highly engaging and interactive, enhancing the viewer’s experience by including polls, quizzes, tweets, or similar elements.
  • Overlay ads are cost-effective for building brand awareness quickly, making them an efficient tool for getting a brand’s name in front of a large audience.

Disadvantages of overlay ads

  • Users may employ ad blockers to prevent overlay ads from displaying, limiting their effectiveness.
  • Due to their small size, overlay ads may have limited space for conveying a message effectively, which can be a drawback for advertisers with complex or detailed content.

3- TrueView or skippable video ads

What are TrueView ads?

TrueView ads, also known as skippable video ads, are a type of advertising on YouTube where viewers have the option to skip the ad after a few seconds. Advertisers are only charged when viewers watch a certain portion of the ad, typically 30 seconds or the ad’s entirety.

Where do TrueView ads appear?

TrueView ads can appear on YouTube, sites/apps, and the display network, providing advertisers with a broad reach across various platforms.

Advantages of TrueView ads

  • Advertisers only pay when viewers engage with the ad, ensuring that they are reaching an interested audience.
  • TrueView ads allow for creative flexibility, enabling advertisers to craft engaging content that resonates with viewers.
  • They provide detailed analytics and performance metrics, allowing advertisers to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns accurately.

Disadvantages of TrueView ads

  • Viewers have the option to skip the ad, potentially leading to lower view durations and impacting ad effectiveness.
  • Crafting engaging content in the first few seconds is crucial to capture viewers’ attention before they decide to skip the ad.

4. Non-skippable video ads

Non-Skippable Video AdsWhat are non-skippable video ads?

Non-skippable video ads are video commercials that appear before, during, or after the main video content and do not allow viewers to skip them. Viewers are required to watch the full duration of these ads without the option to skip after a designated period.

Where do non-skippable video ads appear?

Non-skippable video ads can appear before, during, or after a video on YouTube, whether viewers are using a mobile device or desktop. They are positioned similarly to TrueView ads, appearing in the same spot as the main video content.

Advantages of non-skippable video ads

  • They ensure that the ad’s content is viewed in its entirety, maximizing exposure to the advertised message.
  • Non-skippable ads have a higher likelihood of retaining the core message and brand in the viewer’s memory since viewers cannot skip them.
  • Advertisers have complete creative freedom to shape a narrative or convey a message without being restricted by viewer-initiated skips.
  • Compulsory viewer engagement increases the likelihood of the ad making a lasting impact and influencing viewer behavior.
  • Advertisers can leverage the entire ad duration for in-depth storytelling and message delivery, allowing for profound storytelling opportunities.

Disadvantages of non-skippable video ads

  • The lack of a skip option might lead to viewer resistance, potentially creating negative associations with the brand or the ad itself.
  • Some viewers may find non-skippable ads intrusive or annoying, which can lead to a negative user experience and impact brand perception.
  • Advertisers pay for each and every view of non-skippable ads, even if viewers find them disruptive or irrelevant, which can affect the cost-effectiveness of the ad campaign.

5. Bumper ads

What are bumper ads?

Bumper ads are very short video ads lasting only 6 seconds. They are designed to quickly present the advertiser in front of a wide audience, mainly found on platforms like YouTube. These ads aim to convey a concise message effectively within a brief timeframe.

Where do bumper ads appear?

Bumper ads primarily appear on platforms like YouTube, strategically positioned to capture viewers’ attention before, during, or after the main video content.

Advantages of bumper ads

  • Bumper ads are cost-effective, offering a quick and affordable way to reach a broad audience with a concise message.
  • They are non-skippable, ensuring that the ad is viewed in its entirety, increasing the chances of message retention.
  • Bumper ads can boost brand awareness efficiently, familiarizing consumers with a brand or product in a short but memorable way.
  • These ads are ideal for delivering quick and simple messages, making them suitable for promoting brand identity, new products, or specific events.

Disadvantages of bumper ads

  • The short duration of bumper ads can be a limitation when trying to convey complex messages or detailed information effectively.
  • Bumper ads are restricted to platforms like YouTube, limiting their reach across different advertising channels.
  • Due to their brevity, bumper ads may not be suitable for campaigns requiring in-depth storytelling or detailed product demonstrations.

6. Sponsored cards

What are sponsored cards?

Sponsored cards are small cards that appear on the video screen during a video on YouTube. They contain additional information about the product or service being advertised, providing viewers with relevant details without disrupting their viewing experience.

Where do sponsored cards appear?

Sponsored cards appear directly on the video screen during the video playback on YouTube, offering viewers a non-intrusive way to access more information about the advertised product or service.

Advantages of sponsored cards

  • Sponsored cards enhance user engagement by providing additional information about the product or service being advertised, increasing viewer interaction and interest.
  • They offer a seamless way to showcase relevant content to viewers without interrupting the video, ensuring a positive user experience.
  • Sponsored cards can drive traffic to external sites or related content, directing interested viewers to learn more or make a purchase.
  • These cards can effectively complement the video content, providing viewers with valuable information that can influence their purchasing decisions.

How to Run YouTube Ads: A Step-by-Step Guide

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to run YouTube ads:

  1. Create a Google Ads account
  2. Link your YouTube channel to your Google Ads account
  3. Set your advertising goals (e.g. leads, website traffic, brand awareness)
  4. Create a YouTube ad campaign in Google Ads
    • Select your campaign type (e.g. video ad) and goal
    • Set your campaign details like budget, start/end dates
  5. Choose your ad location (e.g. in-stream, in-feed, display)
  6. Set your bidding type (e.g. cost-per-view for skippable video ads)
  7. Set your targeting parameters and exclusions (e.g. demographics, interests, keywords, topics)
  8. Select your ad format (e.g. skippable in-stream, non-skippable in-stream, bumper, overlay)
  9. Create your ad content (e.g. video, image, text)
  10. Configure your ad details (e.g. URL, call-to-action, display URL)
  11. Launch your ad campaign

By following these steps, you can effectively set up and run YouTube ads to reach your target audience and achieve your advertising goals.

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11 Tips & Tricks to Optimize Your YouTube Ads

Here are 11 tips and tricks to optimize your YouTube ads:

  1. Create compelling ad videos and images that stress benefits, use social proof, and mention your call-to-action.
  2. Create an attractive thumbnail image that includes your product and compelling text to drive clicks.
  3. Optimize your cost-per-view (CPV) by identifying ad assets and targeting methods that increase your ad’s view rate.
  4. Improve your ad targeting by using audience targeting options like keywords, topics, interests, and demographics.
  5. Use video remarketing lists to target people who have interacted with your videos in the past, such as viewers, subscribers, or likers.
  6. Consider using advanced campaign settings like scheduling, frequency capping, and language targeting to optimize your campaigns.
  7. Include vertical video assets in your campaigns to take advantage of the mobile-friendly, full-screen experience and improve engagement with mobile viewers.
  8. Mix video ad formats to grab attention and build brand awareness.
  9. Make your skippable ads longer than 20 seconds to significantly increase consideration for your business.
  10. Set the right budget to drive more conversions, purchases, downloads, or subscriptions.
  11. Combine Video action campaigns with Google Search and Display campaigns to see up to 28% increased conversion volume.

How YouTube Advertising Pricing Works

YouTube advertising pricing works through two main models: Cost-per-Click (CPC) and Cost-per-View (CPV). In the CPC model, advertisers pay when a viewer clicks on their ad, while in the CPV model, advertisers pay when a viewer interacts with the ad or views it for a specified duration, typically 30 seconds or the ad’s entirety. The choice between CPC and CPV depends on the campaign goal and subtype. Factors like the target audience, industry, ad watch time, campaign objective, and target keywords influence the cost of YouTube ads. Advertisers can set a daily budget, and Google will charge them up to that amount, ensuring a controlled investment. Understanding the Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) is crucial, as it indicates the effectiveness of YouTube ad campaigns. High ROAS signifies a successful campaign, while low ROAS indicates poor performance, prompting adjustments to optimize campaign performance.

How Much Does YouTube Advertising Cost?

The cost of YouTube advertising can vary depending on several factors, including your target audience, ad format, bidding strategy, and level of competition for ad placements. In general, YouTube ads cost varies from $0.01 to $0.30 per view or $0.10 to $3.00 per click. The pricing models commonly used for YouTube ads are Cost-per-View (CPV) and Cost-per-Click (CPC). With CPV, advertisers pay when someone watches their ad for a specified duration, while with CPC, advertisers pay when a viewer clicks on their ad. Additionally, factors like the target audience, industry, ad watch time, campaign objective, and target keywords influence the overall cost of YouTube advertising. Understanding these cost factors is crucial for effective budgeting and achieving marketing objectives on the platform.

Which ad type is right for you?

When determining which ad type is right for your business, it’s best to consult with a digital marketing agency that can provide expert guidance and recommendations based on your specific goals and target audience. A reputable agency can help you navigate the various ad formats available on YouTube and other platforms to find the most effective solution for your needs.Some key factors to consider when selecting an ad type include:

  • Your advertising objectives (e.g. brand awareness, website traffic, conversions)
  • Your target audience and where they are most active online
  • Your budget and preferred pricing model (e.g. CPV, CPC, CPM)
  • The type of content you want to showcase (e.g. video, image, text)

A digital marketing agency can analyze these factors and provide data-driven recommendations on the optimal ad formats to achieve your goals. For example, if you want to drive website traffic and conversions, TrueView video ads or non-skippable video ads may be a good fit. If your focus is on brand awareness, bumper ads or display ads could be effective.The agency can also handle the media buying process, leveraging their expertise and relationships to secure favorable ad placements and pricing. By partnering with an experienced agency, you can take the guesswork out of selecting the right ad type and ensure your campaigns are set up for success from the start.


Takeaways on Different Types of Ads on YouTube

  1. YouTube offers a diverse range of ad formats to help advertisers achieve various marketing objectives, from building brand awareness to driving direct conversions.
  2. Skippable in-stream video ads are the most common and versatile ad type, allowing advertisers to showcase longer video content and drive direct actions like sign-ups or purchases.
  3. Non-skippable in-stream video ads provide 15 seconds of uninterrupted advertising, ideal for delivering a clear message without the risk of viewers skipping. However, they are charged on a CPM basis.
  4. Bumper ads are 6-second, non-skippable video ads that can effectively boost brand awareness and recall when used in combination with other ad formats.
  5. Display ads and overlay ads offer additional visibility and engagement opportunities, but require concise messaging and compelling visuals to capture attention.
  6. Discovery ads appear in YouTube search results and recommendations, allowing advertisers to reach users actively searching for related content.
  7. Choosing the right ad type(s) depends on factors like campaign objectives, target audience, budget, and creative assets. Experimenting with different formats and combinations can help optimize performance.
  8. Partnering with a YouTube advertising agency can provide expert guidance on selecting the most effective ad types and strategies for your business.

By understanding the unique characteristics and use cases of each YouTube ad format, advertisers can create more targeted and impactful campaigns to reach and engage their audience on the platform.


  1. What are the different types of YouTube ads available for advertisers?
    • YouTube offers various ad formats, including skippable in-stream video ads, non-skippable in-stream video ads, bumper ads, display ads, overlay ads, and Discovery ads.
  2. How do skippable in-stream video ads differ from non-skippable in-stream video ads?
    • Skippable in-stream video ads allow viewers to skip after 5 seconds, while non-skippable in-stream video ads do not have a skip option, ensuring viewers watch the entire ad.
  3. What are bumper ads, and how can they benefit advertisers?
    • Bumper ads are short, non-skippable video ads lasting 6 seconds, ideal for quick brand awareness and delivering concise messages effectively.
  4. What are Discovery ads, and where do they appear on YouTube?
    • Discovery ads are similar to Google search ads and appear on the YouTube homepage and in related videos, offering a less intrusive way to reach interested viewers.
  5. How do non-video ads on YouTube differ from video ads in terms of format and pricing?
    • Non-video ads on YouTube, like display ads and overlay ads, offer alternative formats with images and text, charging based on a cost-per-click model rather than views.

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